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Gender ideology: a source of discrimination. 2nd Defending Women’s Rights Conference

Published: 09.03.2021

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It is often the case that the exercise of women’s rights is hindered by the ideological approach to their very concept. The gender perspective often leads to misrepresentations which are primarily rooted in the perception of gender merely as a social construct, detached from its biological dimension. The 2nd Conference on Defending Women’s Rights, which featured female representatives from the spheres of science, politics, and social studies from across several countries, was devoted to precisely these issues. The event took place on March 8th, International Women’s Day.


The conference was opened by Karolina Pawłowska, Head of the Ordo Iuris Centre for International Law. She emphasised that the current gender solutions for combatting violence are ineffective, citing results of the surveys carried out by the European Union Fundamental Rights Agency, which prove that countries which have introduced ideological models display the highest levels of domestic violence. Prof. Angela Gandra, secretary of state at the Brazilian Ministry of Women, Family and Human Rights, also participated in the event. She noted that maternity should be treated as a women’s privilege. She also pointed out the detrimental effects of the vision of conflict between men and women, as created by feminist ideology.

In turn, Sharon Slater, President of Family Watch International, highlighted the negative impact that the transsexual movement has on the development of children and adolescents. She invoked numerous instances of irreversible damage suffered by people who decided to undergo gender reassignment. She also brought attention to the adverse effects of transsexual agenda on marriage and the family. Alix Lejard spoke about the objectification of women’s bodies and its consequences. The representative of Femina Europa, a French organisation accredited in the European Parliament, provided abortion, in vitro fertilisation, and surrogacy as examples of this objectification.

Austrian diplomat, dr. Gabriela Legaspi de Csáky-Pallavicini, was also among the speakers. She emphasised that the demands of gender ideologues challenge the positive denotations of femininity. She also noted that protection of women’s rights should be accorded to women at all stages of their development, thus also to the unborn. Other participants included German writer and journalist - Birgit Kelle, Portuguese psychologist - Maria José Vilaça, American legal counsel - Neydy Casillas (of ADF International), as well as ethicist and author - Małgorzata Terlikowska.

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